Abstract Topics
We welcome Individuals who have conducted research in the field of Rheumatology to submit abstracts under the following topics listed below. Case reports can be submitted.
- Basic science and genetics related to rheumatic diseases
- Epidemiology - health care system and pharmacoeconomics
- Fibromyalgia
- Imaging techniques and diagnosis
- Infection-related rheumatic diseases
- Metabolic bone diseases and crystal-induced diseases
- Osteoarthritis
- Paediatric rheumatology
- Psoriatic arthritis
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Scleroderma, myositis and related syndromes
- Spondyloarthropathies
- Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, Sjogrens and anti-phospholipid syndrome
- Systemic vasculitis
- Miscellaneous rheumatic conditions
- Rehabilitation for rheumatic diseases
Abstract Presentation Guidelines
We have prepared the following abstract guidelines to assist you in preparing your abstract for the congress.
Before submitting your abstract, please ensure that you have read the below guidelines carefully. All the information that you should require is included below.
It is important to read these carefully when preparing for your submission.
- All submissions must be in English, with proper grammar and spelling, to ensure suitability for publication. Presentations will also be conducted in English.
- Submission should be submitted in the template provided
- Submission titles should be no longer than 25 words and must clearly reflect the nature of the presentation.
- Submissions should not exceed 400 words, excluding the title, section headings, images, author names, and affiliations. Submissions should be clear, concise, and emphasize key aspects, findings, and conclusions of the study.
- Only standard abbreviations are permitted. Special or uncommon abbreviations should be avoided; if necessary, provide the full term in parentheses when first mentioned.
- References are not required for submissions.
- Tables, graphs, and images are allowed, with a maximum of two in total per submission. Graphs / Images are to be placed in the allocated areas of the template provided (Can be in PNG / JPG format.)
- All abstracts must follow the format outlined below for either Case Reports or Original Research and should be as informative as possible:
- Introduction: Background and specific objectives of the study.
- Methods: Description of the methods, materials, and analytical procedures used.
- Results: Summary of relevant results with sufficient detail to support the conclusions.
- Conclusion: Final conclusions drawn from the study.

Presentation Formats
- Abstracts can be submitted either for Oral or Poster Presentations
Oral Presentations
Oral presenters will be required to deliver a presentation at the congress, which includes a PowerPoint presentation with a Q&A session. The timing, location and duration of the presentation will be communicated to shortlisted presenters closer to the event date. The presentation deck must be submitted to the Conference Secretariat at abstract@msrssr.com by 31st May 2025.
Poster Presentations
Poster presenters will be required to showcase their work through an electronic poster display to be submitted to the Conference Secretariat at abstract@msrssr.com by 31st May 2025.
Important Notes for Abstract Submission
Abstract submissions must be completed online via the official conference website and use the abstract submission template provided
- Please ensure all changes, corrections, and proofreading are completed before submitting your abstract. Once submitted, no further edits or revisions will be allowed.
- Successful abstracts or posters will be published on the conference website until the end of December 2025. Applicants who do not wish to have their abstracts or posters published must inform the organizing committee in writing.
- After the abstract is accepted, delegates are required to submit an electronic version of their poster or slide deck by the 31st of May 2025 using the format provided.
Abstract Review
All submitted abstracts will be evaluated through a peer review process conducted by the Scientific Committee. The decision of the scientific committee is final.
- Abstracts that are incomplete or not written in English will not be accepted for review.
- The Scientific Committee reserves the right to determine the final presentation format, including the assignment of submissions to e-poster presentations.
- No revisions to abstracts will be allowed after the submission deadline, with no exceptions.
Conditions of Acceptance
If accepted into the official program; the following conditions will apply:
- Oral presentations must be delivered by a single presenter.
- The presenter must be a listed author of the submitted abstract.
- Accepted presenters are required to register, pay, and attend the congress in person.
- Failure to meet these requirements will result in the abstract being excluded from the official program.
- Abstract submissions remain the property of MSR-SSR.
- The Scientific Committee reserves the right to publish and distribute the abstracts as deemed appropriate.
Other Terms and Conditions
All abstract submitters are required to agree to the below terms and conditions prior to submitting their work:
- The submitting author agrees to comply with all data protection and privacy regulations.
- The submitting authors confirm that the submission represents original work conducted by at least one author or presenter.
- No financial support is provided to accepted presenters. All accepted presenters must register, pay, and attend the congress to have their work included in the official program.
- The submitting authors confirm that the work described in the abstract has received appropriate approval under relevant ethical guidelines, local regulations, and animal experimentation rules, including obtaining consent where applicable and relevant.
- The submitting authors declare that their work does not violate any existing copyright agreements with other publishers.
- The submitting authors grant permission for their presentation materials to be used for supporting future congresses and for on-demand content.